Friday, August 27, 2010

Withers Primary Begins Developing Grounds

A number of projects are now underway at Withers Primary School. Our Kindergarten and Pre Primary class and Yr 1/2 classes have planted vegetable gardens. One of our local hardware stores, Bunnings spent a great deal of time assisting with planting the vegetable and native gardens and donated plants for the Year 1/2 garden. A scarecrow now graces one of the gardens with another one being constructed. In relation to developing a “Green Belt” at the school, Bunnings also donated around 50 native plants which our Yr 6 class planted at an unused end of the school oval.

The key to success remains with children being involved in developing the school grounds. Our current ad hoc approach is about to change as a new Grounds Committee has just been formed. This committee made up mainly of students but also with staff and parent representatives has been busy surveying all students across the school to ensure their views are heard. I have used my Churchill Fellowship experience to share best practice examples from across the United Kingdom with students from Withers to assist them in making choices.

Kindergarten PrePrimary Garden
Grounds Committee Tree Planting

New Native Trees

1 Comment:

Joan said...

Fantastic. WHat and inspiration. I look forward to seeing how the gardens are growing. Well done children!! AND all the helpers :)


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